Spring Break Activities

It’s March and, for many students, this means spring break is right around the corner—hooray! If your student needs some spring break activities to keep them busy, I’ve got just the solution. Not only will these spring break activities keep them busy, but they will get a head-start planning for the future!


Spring Break Activities: 3 Ways Students Can Get Ahead!


Research & Apply for Summer Camp Opportunities

Did you know colleges and universities across the nation host awesome summer camps to expose middle school and high school students to college and career options? If your student has an interest in a specific career field, research opportunities to get involved together. Most often, summer camp applications open in mid-spring. If your student needs spring break activities, have him or her start with College Consensus’ Top 30 Pre-College Summer Programs list!


Complete Summer Job Applications

Next, encourage your child to consider summer employment. Students who wait until school has dismissed to look for a summer job will likely have difficulty finding a position. Great spring break activities include writing a resume, looking for summer jobs, and completing job applications. By helping a student take ownership of the job search, you will be empowering him or her for the future! A few great places to look for summer employment include local government websites for park and recreation jobs, indeed.com for temporary or seasonal work, and company websites of a few of your teens’ favorite stores. If your child is interested in help writing a resume or would like help identifying summer job opportunities, have him/her book a free, 30-minute session with me and I’ll gladly help provide resources!


Company Tours

Excellent spring break activities include company tours or job shadows! Both activities are low-commitment, high-value career planning activities. Companies across the country open their doors to visitors allowing you to see the behind-the-scenes operations and all of the different people and careers it takes to make the production process happen! Your children won’t even realize they are being exposed to amazing career-related information and it will be fun for the entire family. When given the opportunity to ask additional questions on the tour, encourage the guide to talk about the different departments of the company, what they are responsible for, and how many people it takes to get your favorite products from the initial idea, to production, to your home. You can use this great resource, Factory Tours USA, to find a tour in your area or this great article by Popular Mechanics to explore options!


Would you like other career planning spring break activities? No problem, I can help! Book a free, 30-minute meeting with me to discuss your child’s career planning efforts! As a college educator and career coach, I specialize in assisting students with college and career planning. The earlier your child engages in college and career planning activities, the more confident he or she will be as they approach graduation. Don’t invest thousands of dollars in college education with a plan! Book your free consultation today!


Career planning in spring breakHow can I help?

If you believe a child in your life could benefit from some thoughtful planning, oftentimes an unbiased third-party can be a powerful tool! As an experienced educator and career coach, I sit down with students one-on-one, meet them where they are, and assist them as they articulate their goals and develop a plan to achieve them!

Book a free consultation today!



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