I gave a presentation to several hundred parents last week, and many of them wanted to know where to find summer 2020 virtual internships. Many of their children had summer internships already; however, due to coronavirus, those internship programs were canceled. If you are thinking about where to find a summer 2020 virtual internship, good for you! You’re already demonstrating the flexibility and resilient attitude employers are seeking!

Summer 2020 Virtual Internships

Where to Find Summer 2020 Virtual Internships


The Way Up website is an excellent resource for students of all ages, and they have a specific section of their website devoted to summer 2020 virtual internships! There are several industries represented in their summer 2020 virtual internship openings. From marketing to video production to software and coding, there is something for everyone!


Indeed is my go-to job bank, and, unsurprisingly, they have many summer 2020 virtual internships available! I found an exciting summer internship with the Pittsburg Penguins today. This internship would be an excellent opportunity for a sports-loving student to build communication and relationship building skills with the Penguins’ Community Initiative summer 2020 virtual internship!


I usually have to convince students that they should be on LinkedIn. If you’re not on LinkedIn, make that a goal. You don’t have to spend tons of time on it; however, you can gain a lot of insight following companies you are interested in working for in the future and connecting with established professionals in your future career field.

You can also find summer 2020 virtual internships on LinkedIn! Use the search function at the top of your browser. Search “internship” and set the location to “remote” for the best results. There are a lot of companies advertising on LinkedIn right now!


Handshake exists just for students! You can join for free with your school email address and begin searching and connecting with employers offering summer 2020 virtual internships. Some colleges even use Handshake locally to post jobs only for their students. If you are a college student, I recommend checking your student portal for Handshake or Jobspeaker (another employment software program). If you are a high school student or your college does not offer an employment portal, use Handshake for your search!

Your Network

One of your best resources to find internship opportunities in a tough economic climate is your own network. Most people have a close circle of 20 people. Who are your closest family members and friends? Send a message to those 20 people briefly explaining your goal for the summer and then politely ask if they could connect you to just ONE person in their network who might be able to help. Suddenly, your reach becomes much further. Whether you find a job shadow opportunity, a volunteer opportunity, or a part-time job or internship, any experience you can gain this summer is a WIN!

Considerations for Summer 2020 Virtual Internships

As you’re probably aware, the economy is struggling right now. Companies have reduced hiring, and some have canceled internship programs altogether. As you search for summer 2020 virtual internships, remember that gaining great experience is the entire purpose of internship! I shared an article recently that addressed the Components of a Good Internship. In it, I address what students should look for in an internship. I want to highlight two of those, structure and compensation.


An internship needs structure, especially if it is a virtual internship. Ask good questions during the interview process to make sure that you are going to receive clear instructions, realistic expectations, regular guidance, and mentorship. If the hiring manager struggles to answer questions related to the structure, duties, expectations, and outcomes of the internship, this could be a sign that it isn’t well organized and structured and may lead to a very frustrating and lonely experience for a student.


While everyone wants compensation for their time, remember that this is not the most important part of an internship. The purpose of an internship is to gain valuable and relevant experience in your future career field. Sometimes that is going to come in the form of an unpaid experience or a minimum wage internship. During an economic downturn like the one we are currently experiencing, don’t discount unpaid or minimum wage internships. I would much rather see a student gain valuable experience that he/she can market to an employer rather than an internship that paid but taught the student very little. Likewise, taking an unpaid internship to gain experience this summer is a much better move for your future than sitting at home and not getting any experience at all!

Are you looking for a summer 2020 virtual internship?

I can help!

loren kelly smiling

As an experienced educator and career coach, I sit down with students and young professionals one-on-one and assist them as they articulate their goals and develop a plan to gain career-relevant experience! I guide students through the internship search, application, and interview process teaching them life-long skills for career success!

Book a free consultation today!

Also read: What Makes A Good Summer Internship

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