A Day in the Life of an Engineer


In this week’s “A Day in the Life…” I will be exploring a day in the life of an engineer. I had the honor of interviewing Logan, a Senior Design Engineer for Spirit AeroSystems. Logan had amazing advice and insight into this career field and I can’t wait to share it with you!



A Day in the Life of an Engineer



The Job

Engineering is a very broad career field and there are numerous subfields within it. Engineering can be a hands-on career or a design career, but engineers do need to understand the mechanics behind every produce whether they are building or designing it.

Engineers have a great structure to their schedules. Logan explained that you leave every day knowing where you will be starting tomorrow. Engineers spend a majority of their time working on engineering software called Catia and CAD/CAM. These programs help engineers create 3-D models of products for various projects and help them catch issues with the products before they are made.


Who Would Excel in this Career?

Most engineers enjoy hands-on work but are also okay with spending a large amount of time at a desk or in meetings. In addition to this, engineers must have an imaginative and creative mindset so they can visualize projects in their heads. Engineers must also have a personal drive to complete projects they are assigned. Lastly, communication is key in this career field from coordinating with other departments to presenting their



As previously stated, a day in the life of an engineer includes a lot of desk work. Logan said he spends much of his time at work at his desk working on designs and models for various projects. The models are designed though Catia and CAD/CAM. If he is not at his desk completing projects, he is usually coordinating with other departments or in meetings.



For education, Logan highly recommends the Wichita State University engineering program for those considering a career in engineering. In addition to WSU’s program, he also recommended the programs at Kansas University, Texas Tech, and Purdue University.

As for a degree in engineering, Logan recommends getting a bachelor’s in engineering. He also suggested completing training in CAD/CAM and Catia. Both of these software programs are frequently used by engineers and engineering companies.


The Future

How will a day in the life of an engineer change in the future? The answer depends on the type of engineer, however, Logan expects there to be more opportunities for engineers as well as robotics becoming more of a factor. He also expects engineering to become more streamlined and less human-involved, however, he explained that the future of engineering will always rely on the “human interaction” to ensure safety for every project.


Interested in a career as an Engineer?

Career planning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Are you considering a career in engineering but just aren’t sure or don’t know how to achieve this goal? Look no further. We specialize in career planning for students and young adults. Remove the uncertainty and plan for the future with confidence! Book a free consultation today to talk about your interests and future!


About the Author

Loren Kelly Intern RebeccaHello! My name is Rebecca and I am Loren’s intern for this summer. I’m focusing on bringing you great tips on social media and informative blog content! I am majoring in integrated marketing communications with a minor in graphic design at Wichita State University. To learn more about me visit the Meet Rebecca page.