A Day in the Life of an Architect

Welcome to our new series, “A Day in the Life…” where we help answer all of your burning questions about different professions. This week we are talking about the day in the life of an architect.  I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex, an architect for HOK Architecture firm, who had great insight and advice about being an architect!

A Day in the Life of an Architect

The Job

As an architect, Alex spends a lot of time working to produce drawings. These drawings are then given to contractors to construct the buildings. Architects also spend a lot of time coordinating with other consultants.  Working together ensures there are no issues with the structures and elements of the building. Some of these elements include plumbing, air conditioning, electrical. Plans for project architects are produced through Revit, a 3-D modeling software. This allows them to see any issues and easily fix them.

Who Would Excel in this Career?

Architects need to be good problem solvers and be able to adapt to changes easily. As Alex said, they have to be able to roll with the punches. Architecture involves lots of trial and error so if you are looking into this career field you have to be okay with reworking on projects. Architecture is mostly done on computers so if you are tech-savvy you’ll more than likely love this job.

Architects must be able to work well with others because teamwork is a major aspect of the job. Lastly, they have to be someone who doesn’t mind little sleep at times. Architects work long varying hours and sometimes they have to take work home with them.


Alex described a day in the life of an architect as updating the structures of current projects. Most of his time is spent on a computer using Revit. Currently, Alex is working on updating the stairs details for a radio control tower at an airport. It may not be the most glamorous aspect of a building, but it is the most important, especially in emergency situations. He also spends a lot of time coordinating and working with other consultants.

Unlike most jobs, architects have varying hours. Somedays they have to take work home with them in order to meet deadlines. So if you are interested in architecture as a career, it is good to keep this in mind.


Becoming an architect is not an easy task. Many programs are very intense and rigorous. On top of this, it is required that your degree is from an accredited university. According to Alex, there are many accredited universities in the U. S. that students can choose from.

Alex recommended Kansas State University architecture program which is a credited university. He said K-State did a great job preparing him for his career and didn’t sugar coat that it would be a lot of hard work and dedication to get his degree.

Last year I got to take a tour of K-State and see first hand what the architecture program is like. My friends who gave me the tour was an architecture student. She showed me all of her projects and explained how intense the program is. Students work long hours in the studios and often lose sleep due to deadlines, but she said it was worth it. She loved the campus and the program despite all the hard work. If you are considering architecture as a future career be prepared for a lot of hard work, but if it is something you are passionate about it will be worth it in the end.

The Future

So what about a day in the life of an architect in the future? Alex said he is already seeing changes brought on by Covid-19. Many clients are asking what they can do to help prevent the spread of not only Covid-19 when building, but many other illnesses. Alex said building designs will include more socially distanced offices to help with the breakout of sickness. In addition, clients are looking for ways to make office spaces more sterile.

Interested in a career as an Architect?

Career planning can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Are you considering a career in architecture but just aren’t sure or don’t know how to achieve this goal? Look no further. We specialize in career planning for students and young adults. Remove the uncertainty and plan for the future with confidence! Book a free consultation today to talk about your interests and future!

About the Author

Rebecca the internHello! My name is Rebecca and I am Loren’s intern for this summer. I’m focusing on bringing you great tips on social media and informative blog content! I am majoring in integrated marketing communications with a minor in graphic design at Wichita State University. To learn more about me visit the Meet Rebecca page.

A day in the life of an architect A day in the life of an architect A day in the life of an architect