If you’re anything like me, you are blowing through books right now on the quarantine and isolation order. So, I’m sharing my recommendations for the best books to read for personal growth! I’m really into good, quick reads that are easy to implement. If I don’t see relevance early, I move on. If you can relate, this list of best books to read for personal growth is going to be your favorite reference for the next several months!
The Best Books to Read for Personal Growth
Please note that this list of the best books to read for personal growth is in no particular order! I love them ALL! To learn more about each book, click the image and you will be redirected to Amazon.com. If you make a purchase, I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
1. Mindset by Carol Dweck
Calling all parents, students, teachers, managers, and young adults…well, calling EVERYONE! This is a book you can’t miss. We all know that our mind is a powerful thing. Dr. Dweck has spent decades researching how our mindset impacts our approach to challenges and learning. My favorite part of this book is the steps Dweck provides to help shift your mindset from fixed to growth thinking. Mindset is definitely on the list of best books to read for personal growth!
2. Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden
This book is a quick and easy read that will light the fire of motivation deep inside! It teaches us how to approach the future and the journey to success. My favorite quote from this book is, “Success is not earned, it is rented—and the rent is due every day.” My copy of Take the Stairs is full of highlights and sticky notes. I read it cover to cover in about five hours I spent on a train. Don’t miss this one!
3. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
If you aren’t familiar with Brene Brown’s work, it is time to dig in and get started! I love her books, TED Talks, Netflix special, and now her podcast. The Gifts of Imperfection outlines the keys to wholehearted living. It helped me learn to embrace the mess of imperfection and find the beauty that results during and after our imperfect moments.
4. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown 
After you’ve finished The Gifts of Imperfection, go ahead and jump into another book by Brene Brown, Daring Greatly. I just finished this book, and, ya’ll, if I had to just choose one book from this list of best books to read for personal growth, this would be the one. Again, it is a quick and easy ready but it will speak to you and summon courage. As a new mom, I especially appreciated the chapter on parenting.
5. The ONE Thing by Gary Keller
I deliver training for student support professionals in the California Community College system and I give every participant a copy of this book. It is that good. Time management, priority, and goal setting are the key topics addressed. You’ll learn a strategy that will revolutionize your work and your productivity. Keller also provides a number of excellent online resources and free guides to accompany the book.
6. Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help by Edgar Schein 
Have you ever tried to help someone, and it just didn’t turn out the way you had envisioned? It happens to all of us. This book will revolutionize the way you think about giving and accepting help. I highly recommend Dr. Schein’s book if part of your professional role revolves around helping others. I found the principles and tips in the final chapter to be extremely relevant and I use them to guide my work today.
7. The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It by Valerie Young
The title of this book implies it is for women; however, it really should be The Secret Thoughts of Successful People because, as Dr. Young points out early on, over 70 percent of the population struggle with imposter syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? It is the self-belief that you are inadequate and incompetent despite a track record of successes and competence. This book explores the different ways imposter syndrome rears its ugly head in our lives and how to battle it.
8. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell
As the title implies, this book is all about growth and must go on my list of best books for personal growth. Maxwell is a brilliant author and has published a number of books; however, this one is my favorite so far as it jumps right into each of the fifteen laws and provides easy steps to follow. It is a longer read and implementation is a bit more involved that some of the other books; however, I found so much value in it. I took many of his ideas and have them as reminders in my office space.
9. The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Bungay Stainier
This is going to be one of the less heard of books, but it’s a great one! I read this book on a round-trip airplane ride and some airport sitting time. We are a culture that listens to respond. If you are a parent, manager, or work in a human-services-related role, this book is for you. It is a quick read and it really will change the way you lead and interact with others.
10. Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis 
I have to round out my list of the 10 best books for personal growth with Rachel Hollis. Her raw honesty is refreshing and challenging in the best ways. Yes, this one is addressed to women and, unlike Dr. Young’s book, it really is for the female audience. So, ladies reading this, grab a copy if you haven’t already and dig in. It also is a quick read and is nicely divided into three parts. Part one addresses common excuses that hold us back (get ready to build some more self-awareness and accountability here!) while parts two and three have a forward focus on behaviors to adopt and skills to acquire.
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