Throughout my career, I have worked with countless high school and college students to help them explore career paths, articulate career goals, gain experience, and create a plan for success. I’ve created this free college and career planning guide to help parents guide their children through this important process. Investing time now will save both time and money in the long run. Grab your free, five-step College and Career Planning Guide for Parents and Students!

    More Resources for College and Career Planning!

    You’ve got the college and career planning guide, now what? To help parents and students navigate the process, I offer free 30-minute consultations–no sales pitch or strings attached, just helpful tips!

    I know choosing a college, major, and career is daunting. As a result, I have taken common questions from parents and students and provided information and resources to assist in the process!

    When should my child begin college and career planning?

    Read about the timeline here!

    What should my high school senior be doing to plan for the future?

    Read about college and career planning for seniors here! 

    How do we plan successful college visits?

    Get my free tips here! 

    How do college advisors help in the college and career planning process?

    Read about college advising and career planning here!

    What should the college and career process look like?

    Read about the steps here!

    Are you ready to discuss the future with an experienced career professional and college educator? Take advantage of my 30-minute free consultation.