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I work with high school students frequently. I get one question a lot, is college harder than high school? College is a big transition, there is no doubt about it. I remember sitting in my dorm room my freshman year feeling like I was doing something wrong because I wasn’t in class all day every day. Here’s what you need to know…

Is College Harder than High School?

In some ways, yes…

Instructor Expectations

You can plan on your teachers expecting more out of you with less daily help. You will be asked to do more with less guidance; however, many college students enjoy this aspect of college once they adjust!

What to do…

To help with understand expectations and meet them, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of your instructor’s office hours. These will be listed on the syllabus the first day of class and posted outside your instructor’s door.

Time Management

When asked, is college harder than high school, I usually respond with a question back to the student. How good are you at managing your time effectively? A large part of being successful in college is being disciplined and using your time wisely. You will have a lot of freedom and students who struggle are the ones that procrastinate or do not devote enough time to their courses and studying.

What to do…

Form a weekly routine that has blocks of time for studying and homework. Designate specific times for each course. You’ll know in the first two weeks of the semester which courses are going to require the most time and attention. I also recommend building in time for exercise and eight hours of sleep at night. These two self-care items are essential for success and your health. All too often, exercise and efficient sleep are compromised for students.

Discuss college options with Loren Kelly

In some ways, no…

Freedom of academic schedule

If you have spent your high school years craving autonomy, you will love the transition to college and will find the ability to control your schedule both natural and easy. Personally, I loved having freedom over my schedule and was happy to ditch the traditional 8-3:30 day of high school. I find myself more focused and efficient when I can take small micro-breaks during the day to work out, do something enjoyable, etc. Breaking up my classes and homework how I see fit allowed me to be more efficient when I sat down to work or study.

Freedom of social schedule

Are you the super involved high school student? If you are in multiple clubs, sports, or serve on several committees, you might really enjoy the new freedom in your schedule that involves fewer social commitments. You can certainly still be involved at college, but the average student spends fewer hours involved in extracurricular commitments at college compared to high school. Additionally, many college students choose one or two activities (a sorority and an academic club, for example) rather than playing a different sport each season while also being involved in multiple clubs and the yearbook.

Is College Harder than High School? The Bottom Line

In some ways, yes, college harder than high school. But, like every new experience in life, you will learn, grow, and adapt. Middle school was different than elementary, and high school was different than middle school. Just like those transitions, you will find your way. The key thing to remember is to learn from each experience and give yourself some grace along the way!

Here are a few articles that will help you with this transition:

As you begin your college and career planning journey, remember that there are people who can help you! The most successful people are those who are not afraid to ask for help. Use the resources available to you and go out and achieve your dreams!

Loren Kelly smiling Are You Navigating College and Career Planning? I can help!

My name is Loren, and I am a College Instructor and coach for students. I get fulfillment by helping students find the best fit for them! We are all different, and college is not a one-size-fits-all decision. If you aren’t sure what college is a good fit or how you even want to use the degree when you get it, let’s chat. Book a free consultation, no strings attached, so I can hear what you are thinking and chat about getting you unstuck.

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