Wondering where to get started with writing your resume?

Most professionals don’t write or update their resumes frequently enough to feel confident in their document. That’s why I stay up to date with all of the best strategies for highlighting yourself on paper and offer this free resume checklist to help you check your work! Once you have a draft, book a resume session to make sure you are putting the most compelling document in front of employers!

    Loren Kelly smiling

    More Resources for Job Seekers

    You’ve got the checklist that will help you with your resume, but I have other resources that reduce the time you spend on your job search! Additionally, take advantage of my free, 30-minute consultation offer!

    Resume Writing Tips

    This article focuses on choosing the best sections for your resume! Don’t miss this info!

    Writing a Cover Letter 

    Don’t make the mistake of submitting your resume without a cover letter! This article helps you write a standout letter.

    LinkedIn Headlines

    Your presence on LinkedIn can help so much with a job search, and your headline is one of the most important aspects of your profile. Don’t miss this article and my LinkedIn Guide!


    Along with resume writing, strategies for interviewing is one of my passions! This section of my site is FULL of excellent interviewing help! Bookmark it for easy access! 

    Loren Kelly smiling