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I get the “What is the hardest major in college?” question a lot. I also get questions about the easiest majors. So, with my 10 years of experience as a college instructor, I’m going to talk about these topics in hopes of helping students everywhere with the big decision of choosing a major!

What is the hardest major in college?

The answer to this question relies largely on several factors. The first thing you must realize is my definition of hard is going to be different than yours. We have different strengths, different preferences, and different ways of learning and working. Here are questions I would ask you. To find out what the hardest major in college would be for you, and which would be a more natural fit.

1. What subjects in middle school and high school were your best?

If you loved science and were really good at it, chances are you will find majors heavy in science to be easier than most people. If you strongly disliked math, majors such as engineering and finance might be more difficult.

2. What are your natural strengths?

Some students thrive when asked to solve complex problems. Other students are at their best when they get to communicate and collaborate with other people. It is important to identify your strengths and make sure your college major and your future career path align well.

3. How much time are you willing to devote to school work each week?

A lot of the perceived difficulty of college majors revolves around the amount of time one spends studying, completing labs, etc. For example, my husband majored in Engineering for his undergraduate degree while was an education major. We both worked hard and did well, but his major required more classes, thus more time, and big lab projects. Are you willing to devote extra time to studying or doing lab work while friends with “easier” majors are hanging out together during the evenings or on the weekends?

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Free Resources to Help Choose the Best College Major for You

Helping students choose a fulfilling career path and the best college major is one of my greatest passions! Here are five free resources to help you with this big decision!

Free 30-Minute Consultation for “Help Choosing a Major/Career”
That’s right! I offer FREE 30-minute consultations to students interested in talking about college majors, career paths, or employment and internships. It’s not too good to be true and there is no pitch involved. I just love connecting with and helping students! Book your free session today!

Free Guide – How to Choose a Major that is Right for You 
This guide will walk you through the steps to choose a major that is perfect for you! You won’t want to miss this guide if you are still trying to decide on a major.

Careers for Me: Finding the Right Fit 
This article is one of the most popular on my website! When you choose a major, you ultimately choose your career path. Make sure that this career path will bring you lasting fulfillment!

Career Tests for College Students 
Again, this is a popular article on my site because of the awesome resources I list to help you find the best-fit career for you. Not all career assessments are created equally, and this article will point you to the best on the internet.

Great Careers That Don’t Require a Four-Year Degree 
Are you wondering if college is really for you? Does a four-year degree seem daunting and unnecessary? Well, it may be true! There are a lot of great careers available that require short-term training and you’ll still earn a very liveable wage! Don’t miss this article.

How to Plan a College Visit (including a free guide with questions to ask on college visits)
I love writing great guides to help my audience navigate the college and career planning process. This article includes a free guide that lists the best questions to ask on college visits. One of the most important components of a college visit is visiting the department or major you are considering and asking great questions to determine whether it is a good fit for you. Get this free guide today!

Free Guide to College and Career Planning 
If you are in the early stages of college and career planning, this is the guide you’ll want to download. It breaks down the five steps of college and career planning into manageable, actionable items. This is my most popular guide and one that will take you from uncertain to confident about your future path!

Loren Kelly smiling Do you need help choosing a major that is right for you?

I’ve helped hundreds of students choose and plan for a fulfilling career, and I can help you too! I work with students one-on-one to establish criteria, explore careers, choose the best path for them, and plan for a successful future. I offer free consultations to anyone who wants to talk about careers and planning for the future!

Book a free consultation!