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Choosing the right college can be one of the hardest decisions in a young student’s life, especially given how different college and high school are. In a previous post, we talked a little about the challenges that face students in the transition into college.

Many of these challenges can be made easier when you’re confident in your choice of college. College presents a whole new world of independence and learning for students, and is often the first time many students are truly able to make decisions for themselves about what to learn and where to do it.

If you aren’t quite sure where to start, we’ve put together a brief guide on how to pick the best college for you. Read on below for some tips to make the selection process easier, especially during such a crucial time in your life.


It might be tempting to pick a college or university because of the name value, but that might not always be the best choice. Instead of looking at the prestige of the institution, you should look at whether it offers education and training in the career that you desire.

Why is picking the right major so important? According to Forbes, students who choose the right major are more likely to be successful and have lower student debt. Plus, if you’re enthusiastic about what you’re studying, your confidence while studying increases and the path to graduation feels clearer.


Another thing you may want to look at when picking a college is the quality of the faculty. Are the professors at the institution you’re eyeing experts in their fields? Are they good mentors? Sometimes a good educator and mentor is the best advantage you can have as a college student, especially in a crowded field.

One way you can determine a professor’s skill is by looking at their credentials, which are often available on the college website. Many good educators also take courses for Doctor of Education and other postgraduate programs to improve their teaching and research skills. Be on the lookout for these, as well as publications and mentorship programs.

Financial Fit

Like it or not, finances will play a huge role in your college life. A report by CNBC found that students who had to work part-time jobs during college got lower grades on average. Many found themselves having to choose between being able to afford a meal, or going to class.

While this reality is sobering, there are ways students can still afford to go to the college of their dreams. Applying for financial aid is obviously important, as well as saving up ahead of time. When looking for a college, be sure to pay attention to what scholarships are available, so you can lessen the financial burden on you and your family.

First-hand Experience

Finally, one of the most important deciding factors in choosing a college is the campus visit. Campus visits give you a better idea of what life at that college will be like. They help you familiarize yourself with the area so you feel less out of place during enrollment, and can help with making plans for housing and other things.

U.S. News writes that campus visits during the school year can give you a better feel of what studying will actually be like. Be sure to maximize your trips and visit several colleges in the area, and interview actual students when you can. For a complete guide to college visits, get my free resource “Questions to Ask on College Visits!”

Choosing a college can be a difficult decision, but also pretty exciting. What other factors are you prioritizing in your own college journey? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Guest Author: Nancy Whitaker