Throughout my career, I have worked with hundreds of college students wondering how to choose a college major and prepare for a career they will truly love. This decision creates a lot of pressure and anxiety, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

I’ve created this free “How to Choose a College Major” guide to help students ditch the uncertainty. I will walk you through the five steps you need to take to move forward with planning for your future!

Get the free guide!

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More Resources for College and Career Planning!

You’ve got the “How to Choose a Major” guide, now what? To help students navigate the process, I offer free 30-minute consultations–no sales pitch or strings attached, just helpful tips!

How do I know if I need career planning help?

Read about signs a student needs help career planning.

How do college advisors help in the college and career planning process?

Read about college advising and career planning here!

Should I double major?

Read about the steps here!

What is the Hardest College Major?

Read my answer to this popular question

What career tests are best for college students?

Read about my favorite career assessments here!

How do I find paid internships?

 Get my best tips here!

Are you ready to discuss the future with an experienced career professional and college educator? Take advantage of my 30-minute free consultation!